4 Strategies Learned From A Digital Advertising Agency

I must admit.  I am very limited when it comes to digital advertising or marketing. Outside of social media marketing,  I am a novice. To gain more knowledge of how the digital advertising industry operates. I applied for an internship.  Two weeks later I was called in to interview for an internship (no specific position). This position that I applied for is still pending, but I asked questions and learned some valuable knowledge during the process.

Coding is not required

In my interview, I expressed to Michael that I had very limited coding skills. I acquired some experience with html coding but that was it. Michael explained that coding experience is not required for most digital advertising agencies. In fact, most agencies use a scripted templates and make slight coding modifications to fit their criteria. Most agencies, use themeforest, elegant themes etc. Therefore being a coding guru is not mandatory.

Customer service/sales

Customer service and sales plays a very big part in digital advertising. This particular agency I interviewed for was just a local agency here in Arizona, maybe 15 employees or less.  Michael explained that there were over a hundred sales calls made everyday to acquire leads for their agency. For a very small operation, I was very surprised. This is really a grind.

Budget Payouts

Okay, so you are thinking for a small local digital agency, their local clients may have small budgets depending on the size of each client. I realize there is big money in digital advertisement, social media marketing etc. We are talking about budgets that can go into an average of thirty thousand dollars a month on advertising online.  Those numbers were really intimidating.

PPC versus Organic

Most agencies prefer pay per click/adwords campaigns over organic traffic. After the google updates crackdown some years ago, organic traffic is not as enticing and can be unpredictable when dealing with google’s algorithm updates.  PPC (pay per click) can be confusing and expensive.  Michael explained, once you have studied and learned the behaviors of your ad campaigns, PPC can quickly increase your customer acquisition. If you were to compare PPC expenses and television advertising, PPC is the most effective return on investment.

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